Who is Couplink?Couplink Group AG is a premium telematics provider and has been on the market since 2000.It specializes in the IT-based control of mobile units and the optimization of all related processes. The basic innovation - the solution couplinkyourmobiles - is available in a variety of industry-specific variants: For logistics, special logistics such as disposal, companies with service technicians, field service or courier services. They combine Couplinks independent platform philosophy with tailor-made and customizable processes for your company. And this with smooth integration into your software landscape through a large number of existing interfaces.But all of our solutions have one thing in common:Our experience, with which we operate business integration for you.We optimize mobile processes.From the free location app to the standardized telematics app smart!matics to the individual telematics solution couplinkyourfleet - we will find the right solution for everyone.You can find more information at www.couplink.deGPS usage continues in the background, so battery performance can be severely impacted.